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    Time for a change

    Next week, on 8 September, Shattered Secrets (Club Aegis #7) goes live. It will be Free in Kindle Unlimited (KU), and the price of 99c/99p will continue for approximately one week. Back in March, I made a decision to reduce the price of my independently published books to 99c/99p, the same price as my shorter stories. However, all good things must come to an end, and the time has come to return those prices to a more realistic level, which I will be doing on or around 15 September. This price change will also include Shattered Secrets. In addition, I will not be renewing my books for KU. In practical terms,…

  • About Writing,  Christie's Posts,  General News

    New Page – In The Works…

    The eagle-eyed among you may have spotted a new link in the menu bar – In The Works. It pretty much does what it says on the tin. It’s a list of the major projects I’m working on at the moment, with an indication of where they are in the process. However, when I say “process”, it’s perhaps too formal a word for the method by which I produce a book. I wish I could say I plot meticulously and then stick to that plot while writing, but I—like many authors—am subject to the whims of my characters. If they don’t want a plot to go in a certain direction,…

  • Christie's Posts,  General News,  Novel News

    Plans for 2020 – v2

    Well, here we are, almost at the end of the first quarter, and I don’t know about you, but I’d like a refund on this year. Or a reset. We are all faced with an unprecedented global situation, and my heart goes out to all those who are suffering, and all those who have lost loved ones. I wish I knew better words, but I’m not sure there are any. Stay at home, stay safe, be sensible. Respect the rules that have been put in place. Practise social distancing. We need everyone to do their best to beat this. We also need to show our appreciation and respect for the…

  • Merry Christmas tree
    Christie's Posts,  General News,  Random subjects

    Season’s Greetings!

    So here we are, about to celebrate Christmas and the end of another year. I don’t know about you, but I’ve reached that age where time seems to speed up, with the result that January happened about five minutes ago. I’m not a winter person. Snow is something best viewed through a window, although we seldom get any where I live. When we do get it, it rarely lasts long. What I do like about Christmas, though, is that it comes only a few days after the Winter Solstice, so on Christmas Day, I find comfort in the thought that the days are getting longer at last, no matter what…

  • Announcements,  Christie's Posts,  Novel News

    A New Book

    If you’ve found me on Facebook, you may have seen me refer to a secret project over the last few months. Well, the secret is now out! The secret project is a crossover story linking my Club Aegis series to characters in worlds created by the wonderful author Susan Stoker. If you like military romance and you haven’t discovered her yet, you’re in for a treat. You can find details of the treasure trove of her books on her website. Charity’s Heart is the first book in a new series, focusing on Spectrum Security and its expansion in the US. It features characters from the Club Aegis series, but they…

  • Christie's Posts,  General News,  Novel News

    Happy New Year!

    As I’m writing this post, it’s New Year’s Eve, and in a few more hours, we’ll be welcoming in 2019 – I hope it brings you health and happiness, and success in everything you do. I last published a book in July 2018, which seems an awfully long time ago now. That was No Going Back, the 6th book in my Club Aegis series. I did make a start on the next book in the series – there’ll be 9 books in all – but I put that project on the back burner while I started work on a new project. I can’t say too much just yet, but the…

  • Announcements,  Christie's Posts,  Novel News

    About No Going Back

    As of the date of this post, No Going Back (Club Aegis #6) is up on Amazon and available for pre-order. I think it’s as well that I let you know that the style of this book is a little different from other books in the series, but only in a small way, and one that I hope won’t be detrimental to your enjoyment of the story. I normally write in third person past tense, which is a fairly standard writing style for fiction. However, there was something about the nature of this story that led me to write the prologue, and only the prologue, in first person present tense.…

  • Christie's Posts

    Club Aegis news – progress on No Going Back, and more

    I haven’t posted an update on the Club Aegis series since the end of March, so I thought I’d better bring you up to speed. No Going Back is with my beta readers. Once I have feedback from them, and taken any appropriate action, it’ll be going to my editor, who can’t wait to read it. Once the editing process is complete, I’ll format it and get it ready on Amazon. Which leads to the next question—which book do I write next? As I was writing No Going Back, I was convinced the next in the series would be Soul Lost, but the last read-through suggested I should start Shattered…

  • Christie's Posts,  Novel News

    No Going Back (Club Aegis #6) – Update

    So, the first draft of No Going Back is complete. I’m now reading through it to make sure it’s got all the right plot points in the right order—the pitfalls of writing out of sequence! The main male character in this story is Sir Guy Somerton. Guy’s made other appearances in the series, but in No Going Back, he takes centre stage. He’s spent more than a decade alone, since losing the love of his life in a fire—a situation he doesn’t expect to change, until he meets Madeleine Scott. When I originally conceived the character of Sir Guy, he was only going to be a minor character—a pompous senior…

  • About Writing,  Announcements,  Christie's Posts,  General News,  Novel News

    Amazon only or wide – that is the question…

    My blog posts are like buses – you wait ages for one, then a bunch come along at once, although I’m not certain two constitutes a bunch. Then again, who knows what tomorrow might bring? This post concerns the vexing question in its title.  At least, it’s a vexing question for indie authors like me, who have control of all aspects of the writing and publication processes. I started off wide – that means I listed my books on all the websites I felt comfortable with: Amazon, Kobo, others via a service provided by Draft2Digital (D2D), mainly so I could list on iBooks. For those of you who aren’t aware,…