Soul Lost (Club Aegis #8) has finally gone to my editor. This one seems to have taken a long time to write—or rather, a long time to get ready for editing. The first draft was finished a while ago, but on reading it through, it did require a lot of TLC to make it fit for editing. The end result is that over 103,000 words were emailed to my lovely editor in the US at the weekend, and now she has the unenviable task of making sure it’s fit to be presented to you. And if you’ve been waiting for this book… I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to…
Time for a change
Next week, on 8 September, Shattered Secrets (Club Aegis #7) goes live. It will be Free in Kindle Unlimited (KU), and the price of 99c/99p will continue for approximately one week. Back in March, I made a decision to reduce the price of my independently published books to 99c/99p, the same price as my shorter stories. However, all good things must come to an end, and the time has come to return those prices to a more realistic level, which I will be doing on or around 15 September. This price change will also include Shattered Secrets. In addition, I will not be renewing my books for KU. In practical terms,…
Available for pre-order: Shattered Secrets (Club Aegis #7)
The post title says it all – Shattered Secrets (Club Aegis #7) is finally available for pre-order. Once again, I can only apologise for taking so long – it’s all my fault. I had a couple of false starts with this one – I couldn’t decide which of two ways I should start it and ended up choosing the one that didn’t work. Then, when it was finished, I really wasn’t happy with it, so I had to make some substantial changes. If you do pre-order it – thank you so very much. The pre-order price is 99c/99p, so it’s an ideal opportunity to get a full-length novel at a…
A New Book
If you’ve found me on Facebook, you may have seen me refer to a secret project over the last few months. Well, the secret is now out! The secret project is a crossover story linking my Club Aegis series to characters in worlds created by the wonderful author Susan Stoker. If you like military romance and you haven’t discovered her yet, you’re in for a treat. You can find details of the treasure trove of her books on her website. Charity’s Heart is the first book in a new series, focusing on Spectrum Security and its expansion in the US. It features characters from the Club Aegis series, but they…
About No Going Back
As of the date of this post, No Going Back (Club Aegis #6) is up on Amazon and available for pre-order. I think it’s as well that I let you know that the style of this book is a little different from other books in the series, but only in a small way, and one that I hope won’t be detrimental to your enjoyment of the story. I normally write in third person past tense, which is a fairly standard writing style for fiction. However, there was something about the nature of this story that led me to write the prologue, and only the prologue, in first person present tense.…
Paperbacks, Book Covers and Next In Series
2018 is fast approaching, so I thought I’d just post a little note to wish you all a very Happy New Year, and to let you know about my plans for the Club Aegis series during the coming year. The first thing is, I’ve recently retired the paperback versions of the series. This is because my cover artist, the amazingly talented Syneca Featherstone, will be redesigning all the series covers to date to match the style of Winter’s Fire. The changes have come about due to various advertising policies, which frown on nudity, even of the male variety. So it’s goodbye to all those impressive naked male chests, and hello…
I used to be indecisive…
…Now I’m not so sure. I know, it’s an old joke, but it’s about the right standard for my sense of humour. So, if dithering were an Olympic event, I’d win gold every time. You may be aware I’ve just published my first (and last) book for the year, and I’ve been trying to work out what to do for the best regarding where I sell it. Since January, all my other books have been exclusive to Amazon. While sales and page reads haven’t been amazing (I’m not well-known, and my relationship with marketing/promo is a whole other issue), what I have seen with the latter is what I assume…
Thinking out loud…
Or in the public view should, I guess, be a more accurate way of describing this post. Back in November, I wrote a post about the decision I was trying to make about going wide with my next book, or making it exclusive to Amazon. My conclusion at that point was that I was going to go wide with Winter’s Fire (Club Aegis #5). Winter’s Fire goes live on Tuesday 19 December 2017, and it will be on two sites only – Amazon and Apple. You can pre-order it there for 99c / 99p until release day. I guess I’ve fallen somewhere between Amazon exclusive and wide. Time’s gone by,…
Winter’s Fire (Club Aegis #5) – now available for pre-order
FINALLY – I’m happy to announce that Winter’s Fire, the fifth book in the Club Aegis series, is now available for pre-order. At present, it’s on Amazon and Apple iBooks, and during the pre-order period, until the publication date of 19 December 2017, you can get it for 99c/99p. Unlike the other books in the series, Winter’s Fire isn’t initially available on Kindle Unlimited. However, I will be reviewing the situation with regard to sales through the Apple website, so this may change in due course. The publishing world has been going through a lot of changes in recent years, and as an independent publisher, I have to look at all the…
Amazon only or wide – that is the question…
My blog posts are like buses – you wait ages for one, then a bunch come along at once, although I’m not certain two constitutes a bunch. Then again, who knows what tomorrow might bring? This post concerns the vexing question in its title. At least, it’s a vexing question for indie authors like me, who have control of all aspects of the writing and publication processes. I started off wide – that means I listed my books on all the websites I felt comfortable with: Amazon, Kobo, others via a service provided by Draft2Digital (D2D), mainly so I could list on iBooks. For those of you who aren’t aware,…