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Thinking out loud…

Or in the public view should, I guess, be a more accurate way of describing this post.

Back in November, I wrote a post about the decision I was trying to make about going wide with my next book, or making it exclusive to Amazon. My conclusion at that point was that I was going to go wide with Winter’s Fire (Club Aegis #5).

Winter’s Fire goes live on Tuesday 19 December 2017, and it will be on two sites only – Amazon and Apple. You can pre-order it there for 99c / 99p until release day. I guess I’ve fallen somewhere between Amazon exclusive and wide.

Time’s gone by, and I’ve read posts and articles here and there, written by authors far more successful than me, and once again, I’m on the fence. Another consideration I have is that I’m getting the series book covers updated – Winter’s Fire is the first to have the new format. That being the case, it’s almost like a complete new start for the series, and adding that into the mix has got me considering the question of distribution again.

I need to get my author name and brand out there. If people can access the books of an author who’s new to them for free via the Kindle Unlimited (KU) programme, that surely has to be a good option.

So, while my new book will be available on Apple on release day, it won’t be there for long. My current books are in KU until Christmas Day, when I’ll renew them for another 90 days. At that point, depending on how sales through Apple have gone, I’ll make the decision about removing it from Apple and putting it in KU. At the moment, I’m leaning towards doing that.