• Christie's Posts

    RT Booklovers Convention – Atlanta 2017

    Well, I’m back, from what was one of the most enjoyable experiences ever, in spite of a bout of food poisoning. First of all, the food poisoning. It was entirely self-inflicted, the night before I flew to Atlanta. In the early hours of departure day, I even contemplated cancelling the trip. However, I made it to the airport, and was met on the other side of the Atlantic by Becca Jameson and Cherie Nicholls (a fellow Brit), with whom I spent some pre-convention time, along with Lea Griffith and Susan Stoker. Thank you, ladies, for putting up with someone who could have been an extra on The Walking Dead, and for…

  • Announcements,  Christie's Posts,  Novel News

    Golden Flogger Awards 2017 – Nomination

    I am absolutely delighted to announce that Club Aegis 4: Passion’s Last Promise has been nominated in the Dominant Women & submissive men category of the Golden Flogger Awards 2017, as featured at the BDSM Writers Con, which is due to take place in New York from August 17 to August 20, 2017. Readers are often more familiar with the D/s dynamic where the male takes the Dominant role – I know I was. Then I read a series of books that included a story where the main male character was the submissive. I will admit, I resisted reading that story for a long time, until I’d read every other book then available…

  • Announcements,  Novel News

    Golden Flogger Awards 2016 – Nomination

    I am absolutely delighted to announce that Club Aegis 2: Love is Danger has been nominated in the BDSM Light category of the Golden Flogger Awards 2016, as featured at the BDSM Writers Con, which is due to take place in New York from August 18 to August 21, 2016, and which I hope to be able to attend.

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    Happy Thanksgiving

    As you may know, I live in the UK, and you’re probably aware that thanksgiving isn’t a holiday we celebrate here – although somehow we seem to have acquired Black Friday! However, I know that a great many of my readers are located in the US, and tomorrow will be a special day for you to spend with family and friends, celebrating one of your country’s great traditions. For those of you still to travel to the location of your celebration, I hope you have a safe journey, and for all of you, I wish a very Happy Thanksgiving, and I hope you all have a fantastic time, celebrating with…

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    Series blitz – thank you

    The title says it all, but in a totally inadequate way. I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has kindly hosted the series blitz for my Club Aegis books over the last couple of weeks. Amazing – thank you so much. And I have been equally astounded by the way so many of you have tweeted and retweeted about the series as well – my thanks go to you as well. And if there’s anyone reading this who’s also been reading my books as a result of the blitz and the tweets – thank you, and I hope you’re enjoying the stories!

  • Christie's Posts

    I have returned…

    Just got back from a few days in New York, to attend the 2015 BDSM Writers Con. The jet lag is seriously kicking in right now, but I had to let you know I had a great time, and learned so much. So much so, that I’ve registered for next year’s event, even though I’m not sure yet whether I’ll be able to make it or not. Well, in the interests of honesty, I have to qualify that statement about having a great time. I had a great time apart from travelling to New York from the UK. Don’t ask. Do. Not. Ask. Please – really, don’t. All I’m going…

  • Christie's Posts

    Summer holidays

    The holiday season is here, and I hope you’re all having a great time, whether you’re taking your vacation at home or going away. It’s great to take some time away from the hassles of work and life in general, and relax with your loved ones…and maybe take some time out to catch up on your reading. If your reading includes the three books to date in the Club Aegis series, first of all, thank you! I hope to have the next in the series available before the end of the year – the initial draft is still a work in progress, so there’s a way to go yet. Before…

  • Christie's Posts

    You don’t get a post for months…

    And then two come along almost at once! As you’re probably aware, Club Aegis 1: The Velvet Ribbon is now out there as an eBook, in three formats. As of today, it’s also available as a paperback. But that’s not what I’m here to tell you. The real reason I’m here is to let you know that in August, I’m due to visit New York, in order to attend BDSM Writers Con 2015. This will be my first ever con, and I’m attending as a Featured Author. It’s quite scary, but exciting too. I’ve never been to the Big Apple before, so that’s another first. Thanks for reading!