Christie's Posts

I have returned…

Just got back from a few days in New York, to attend the 2015 BDSM Writers Con. The jet lag is seriously kicking in right now, but I had to let you know I had a great time, and learned so much. So much so, that I’ve registered for next year’s event, even though I’m not sure yet whether I’ll be able to make it or not.

Well, in the interests of honesty, I have to qualify that statement about having a great time. I had a great time apart from travelling to New York from the UK. Don’t ask. Do. Not. Ask. Please – really, don’t. All I’m going to say is that it started going wrong before I even left the house, when I had to have a Norman Bates/Psycho moment involving a kitchen knife and a suitcase with a jammed padlock.

On a brighter note, this is the second time I’ve brought a crop home from the US…