Club Latest
It struck me today that it was probably time I gave you an update on Club Aegis, and the latest book in the series. The word count for Winter’s Fire is currently around 68k. I think the final word count will be around 90-95k, so still a way to go to finish the first draft. I now have a better handle on Logan and Lucy, so I’m going back over what I’ve already done. Yes, I know – my writing method is stupidly inefficient, but that’s a work in progress too. Even though I have 6 books out already, I’m still honing my technique. I imagine I always will, because…
Happy Thanksgiving
As you may know, I live in the UK, and you’re probably aware that thanksgiving isn’t a holiday we celebrate here – although somehow we seem to have acquired Black Friday! However, I know that a great many of my readers are located in the US, and tomorrow will be a special day for you to spend with family and friends, celebrating one of your country’s great traditions. For those of you still to travel to the location of your celebration, I hope you have a safe journey, and for all of you, I wish a very Happy Thanksgiving, and I hope you all have a fantastic time, celebrating with…
Series blitz – thank you
The title says it all, but in a totally inadequate way. I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has kindly hosted the series blitz for my Club Aegis books over the last couple of weeks. Amazing – thank you so much. And I have been equally astounded by the way so many of you have tweeted and retweeted about the series as well – my thanks go to you as well. And if there’s anyone reading this who’s also been reading my books as a result of the blitz and the tweets – thank you, and I hope you’re enjoying the stories!
The newsletter link has landed
I finally got my act together and looked into setting up a newsletter. The result is the nifty little link to the right. If you would like to subscribe, please click the link and fill in the form that opens up – it won’t take too long, as it only has two fields for you to fill in. You’ll receive and email to confirm that you would like to be added to the mailing list – click the link on that, and the job’s done. I don’t plan to inundate your inbox with newsletters – I’ll let you know when something of note is on the way, such as the…